Monday, July 6, 2009

Part One- The Beginning

My starting point in to this research was a series of 50 vidoes on youtube called "The Arrivals"

I want to thank the people behind this series to open my eyes and motivate me to start my own research. The main reason that I am doing this research is to gather more material on the subject so that many others can wake up to the realisation of whats going around them. I hope I can be successful in awakening other people like "The Arrivals" has been successful in waking me up.

All the material presented here has been accumulated by different people. Some people started realising it as early as 1980 (of which I can show you the proof). The material on this website will talk about the ancient civilisations, the messengers who introduced the word of God to us, believers, non-believers, their existence today, our society today, their deception, wars, 9/11, UFO's, their Agenda.

The objective is that the people stop living like sheep and stand up and make a difference in whatever little way they can - either by spreading the word or simply by spreading kindness and word of God. Be Brave and stand up to the threat.

So lets start the journey.

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